Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) ensures development has a positive impact on Biodiversity
From 12 February 2023 planning applications for all new major developments are required to demonstrate a 10% uplift in the biodiversity value of the site being developed
Smaller housing sites of less than 10 units are expected to produce a 10% net gain for planning applications from 2 April 2024
Biodiversity value is measured using Natural England’s Statutory Biodiversity Metric
Losses that cannot be compensated on-site can be offset off-site, by the purchase of BNG Credits or BNG Units
If Biodiversity Net Gain cannot be achieved on site, there are two off-site options;
BNG Credits from the government’s scheme
BNG Units on the open market
Units are categorised by habitat type
BNG Credits are priced at a level to avoid undercutting the open market
Acquisition from the same National Character Area (NCA) is incentivised